• Leadership


The Difference

Our President, Brian Greer was co-founder of SpineUniverse.com, the website which changed the landscape for spine related websites. With a proven track record in communications working with many of the world's leading advanced technology companies, we were fortunate to develop an innate sense of what the future held. Through the 80's and 90's Brian produced story-telling photography for the aerospace industry, the space program, telecommunications leaders, and Canada's top technology companies. Working in clean rooms with actual flight hardware or on location with advanced remote communications systems requires attention to detail and the ability to weave complex stories into simple and comprehensible imagery.

His service as a national industry leader, and a member of Federal Government policy advisory groups helped hone a clear understanding of the future of communication.

As a very early adopter of technology, Greer developed dBase software to visually index client photography and founded multiple websites in various spaces, and experimented with early online systems long before the birth of the World Wide Web. Today, we specialize in medical and other complex websites and have the proven ability to work with MD's and their staff. We have built sites for many of today's thought leaders and been honored to serve on faculty at medical meetings.

The Goimage Difference

  • Evidence based web strategies deliver website visitors and referrals
  • No sales staff - Talk directly with one of the world's leading Internet strategists
  • We understand medicine. Goimage's President Brian Greer has been honored to serve on the faculty of international medical meetings discussing the application of the Internet to medical care.
  • Laser Focus on Your Needs. We do not sell ads to MD's, and we don't market "physician access" to pharmaceutical companies. We build successful web presence for MD's, Practices, and Clinics.

Medical Websites

Award Winning

We don't enter design contests. The recognition we've received over the years has been unsolicited and come from organizations like Yahoo Life and the BBC. After 30+ years of Internet experience, we know that most companies that pursue and tout their design awards lose focus on the purpose of their marketing. The designers make the mistake of trying to impress other designers rather than focusing on the client's Return on Investment. It's become a meme within the advertising industry that in many cases, the agency that pursued and won the design award lost the client. That comes about when designers forget that their strategy and tactics must work to the Client's benefit. 

How do we know this is true? Truth is that, as a leading photographer and National President of CAPIC during the 90's, our President Brian Greer has judged many design contests over the years.

Who do we try to impress? Your accountant. We're not much interested in whether your Mom likes the website. We're driven by what our evidence based approach tells us about your users, and the success of your website.


We begin your website by understanding your practice. What is the competitive situation? What kind of referrals are you interested in? What are the practice goals?

Despite sales pitches to the contrary, many medical website designers use standard templates. They switch the colors..., they change the pictures..., but in the end we believe they are offering a "one size fits all" approach that ill serves a medical practice in today's tough climate.

We design your site from the ground up to meet your needs.

Search Optimization

Internal Search engine optimization is included in all of our websites. It is not an extra or an option. There is very little point in creating a website that is not structured to perform on the search engines.

Evidence Based

A term I didn't know until I started working with physicians..., it's the very definition of how we've approached marketing throughout my career. Does it work? Let us show you.

Contact us today to discuss how we can improve your presence on the Internet.

Toll Free 855-326-7793

Business Websites

Goimage is one of the most experienced web development firms in existence. Goimage President, Brian Greer is one of the original movers on the Internet, and has been active since the very beginning, serving as part of the Canadian Federal Government's Information Highway Advisory Committee from 1991-94 and as a founding member (by invitation) of the International Electronic Picture Information Roundtable.

We understand the Internet. We begin your website by understanding your business. What is the competitive situation? What is the objective of your website and how does it fit within your corporate goals?

The Work

  • Incite Planning First Nations Specialists Orillia Ontario Canada (New)
  • Bankruptcy Law Website in New Jersey
  • Advanced Air West Palm Beach previously aabushings.com
  • City of Boynton Beach, Florida
  • The Concussion Discussion
  • DanishNet
  • Divorce Attorneys in Orillia, Ontario
  • FitnessLiv (Denmark)
  • City of Lake Worth, Florida
  • Leah Bergstrome Relationship and Education Counseling
  • National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
  • Odense Bulldogs, Denmark
  • San Diego Spine Foundation
  • SpineSearch LLC
  • Virtue Yoga Ontario

The Difference

Many website designers use standard templates. They switch the colors..., they change the pictures..., but in the end they're simply delivering variations on a standard theme. Often, they bought the theme for a $100 from Wordpress or one of the many online design repositories. You doubt that? Search Google for "Cheap Wordpress Themes". 

Goimage does not use purchased templates. No matter how big or small your web aspirations are, we take a fresh look at your objectives and design your site from the ground up to meet your needs. Your website is uniquely yours and represents your business. Internal Search engine optimization is included in all of our websites. It is not an extra.